Forever Tan Consent Form

Precautions and Agreement

A. A person who uses a tanning device in this facility must use eye protection.

B. If the provided eye protection is not worn, use of a tanning device may cause damage to the eyes.

C. Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation produced by the tanning devices may cause skin cancer.

D. Repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation produced by the tanning devices may cause skin cancer.

E. Abnormal skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or burning may be caused by certain foods, cosmetics and medication including but not limited to the following:

  • Tranquilizers
  • Diuretics
  • Antibiotics / anti-inflammatory
  • Birth control medicines
  • Other photosensitizing agents

F. An individual who is taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs should consult a physician before using a tanning device.

G. A person who is less than eighteen (18) years of age shall be able to use a tanning device with a written order from a physician licensed under RSA-329.

I agree that I will comply with all instructions on the use of the UV system and that I am using these services at my own risk.

I agree to hold harmless FOREVER TAN TANNING SALON and its employees and agents of any injury to the person of property in a way by the use of its premises and services.

In addition, they are not liable for the loss or theft of any personal property. Each person is responsible in safeguarding his or her own personal property.

Describe your eye and skin type

Determination based on tanning history


By typing your name below, you agree that this constitutes your electronic signature.